Tuesday 10 September 2024

first cut (revisited)


so to follow on from horsemouth's lost in translation we have his review of ben watson's derek bailey and the story of free improvisation (first cut is the deepest. metamute, 12th october 2006)

broadly here horsemouth continues his thinking about attali in terms of one of his major influences adorno, both in terms of adorno's  philosophy of modern music and in terms of his aesthetic theory.  

broadly horsemouth sat on valencia town beach for a month and read the watson and aesthetic theory back to back.  watson is a big adorno fan. 

horsemouth was fortunate to be offered the opportunity to review ben watson's book on free improvisation guitarist derek bailey because it is a good object with which to think the kind of sense that adorno might have made of free improvisation and thus (perhaps) the way in which attali deploys it. 

attali cites adorno's philosophy of modern music in the bibliography of the french edition but this bibliography is not reproduced in the english edition  so anglophone critics are unaware of or deny the connection.  

in attali (at least in the first edition of bruits/ noiseimprovisation is the noise that overcomes the music of repetition (recorded sound) ushering in a new era of composition. in both adorno and attali repetition (lack of development) is fatal. 

however as anyone who knew horsemouth at the time would tell you his real musical interest was in drum and bass, the mixing together of records and MCing. this was where he thought attali's improvisation and composition were really coming into being. 


here in the countryside a rainyish, greyish morning. today looks like a bit of a wash out but wednesday looks decent, thursday a cold night. horsemouth has been reading the kilvert. he's been away visiting and is now making the return journey. 

horsemouth is concerned, he is worried a frost will eat his vegetables, , it is due to go down to 2C thursday night. 

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