Wednesday 11 September 2024

tory leadership bingo card ('after every war someone has to clean up...')

horsemouth can't remember where he read this wislawa szymborska poem- was it in dubravka ugresic's the ministry of pain?

'after every war

someone has to clean up.

things won’t

straighten themselves up, after all.

someone has to push the rubble

to the side of the road,

so the corpse-filled wagons

can pass...' 

this follows on from a top five polish authors piece in the grauniad. this featured some names new to horsemouth (and lead to further recommendations). 

here one of howard's golden glows from 11th september 2016. 

so how does horsemouth's tory leadership bingo card look now?

round two (as selected by the 121 tory MPs)

jenrick          33  

badenoch      28 

cleverly         21

tugendhat      21 

stride             16 and out. 

'there’s been nothing like it since the “who? who?” cabinet of 1852, so called because when the list of obscure names was read out to the aged and deaf duke of wellington, he kept asking, “who? who?”'  remarked the guardian. 

the danger (for the tories) is that left to the members (and it will almost certainly go to a vote of the members when they have whittled it down to the final two) that they would chose a nutter (again). 

badenoch leads the field both in the nutter stakes and with the membership, the membership would clearly like badenoch versus tugendhat (nutter versus captain sensible - but they're not going to get it), the MPs would probably like jenrick v. somebody other than badenoch. basically if badenoch goes before the members she will likely win it against anybody. 

at the start of the next round (assuming no ballots are 'lent' yet) they will have mel stride's 16 votes to redistribute among the four remaining candidates . 

when they are down to three candidates (at the end of the next round) there will be more votes to re-distribute but jenrick is not yet sufficiently far ahead of badenoch that he can comfortably  'lend' votes to tugendhat or cleverly (or whoever) to keep badenoch off the members' ballot. 

horsemouth was going to carry on with telling you about his theoretical adventures but he may delay it now until after october 12th (the anniversary of his derek bailey piece).  

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