Saturday 5 October 2024

this is the voice of the BBC

'when the night shows

the signals grow on radios

all the strange things

they come and go, as early warnings...'  

- peter gabriel, here comes the flood. 

horsemouth has just deleted the little he had saved from yesterday so that he can give you an entirely written in the morning blogpost. 

he will however re-use a portion of a comment he made on a friend's facebook post and this will help him to tell you about horsemouth's relationship with radio 4 (and the news media in general). 

really  horsemouth only does the the the newses - 0530 news briefing, 1200 news summary 1300 world at one (or equivalent - there is thus always a major whole in his saturday).  he simply can't do 0700 today he can't deal with people arguing away about bollocks early in the morning (it's just an unpleasant sound). 

by 1800 he's on youtube so he doesn't listen to the R4 news then. he will watch the 2200 ten o'clock news on tv with his mum, the news and the weather and then off to bed skipping the regional news (sad to say). 

he often turns off the world at one (and never listen to question time) because he simply can't stand the dismal level to which political lying has fallen (and who are these entitled cunts anyway?).

do they think they're better than us? asked the angry young man in the pub - well on £82k a year (and a side order of public service)  horsemouth guesses they do. if horsemouth were on £82k for a part time job he would feel very pleased with himself. 

horsemouth further supposes that it's a representative democracy - they are supposed to think more deeply about the issue and thus vote in a more thoughtful way than their electors (and should the people not like it they can always vote them out at the next election (goes the theory)). 

they work for us goes the angry young man at the pub - yes but not in any way that the contract in enforceable, they are not our delegates, recallable, up for reselection every year. 

sorry horsemouth has gone off-piste onto the muddy fields of political representation, 

back to radio 4. 

money box (on the other hand) always sounds eminently sensible to him (if a little depressing). 

the explicit coverage of uk politics he also finds infuriating - under the tories he just found nick robinson etc. egregiously chummy with the utterly fecking useless ruling class. laura K on the other hand he just thinks of as comedy (kind of like spinal tap)a clear case of a fox running with the hounds and doing plenty of barking. 

doubtless the political commentators will find it easier to attain the correct critical distance under labour (but he has not bothered to check yet and if he did he doubts it would please him any better). 

horsemouth is a fan of radio 4's coverage of US politics because he finds americans invariably smart and helpful (if a little mad). thinking aloud (sociologists telling you the bleedin' obvious) horsemouth will also often tarry with. 

he doesn't listen to the comedy much (but then he doesn't watch much comedy either). 

horsemouth also does a side order of radio 3

not late junction and all the other music as might be expected but the essay and anything talky. 

really horsemouth is more likely to watch videos on youtube or read articles on wikipedia. 

he watches a lot of novara media but to be honest he also often turns this off (or finds himself opening up another window and watching something else). the core team can all argue and are good on their feet but the political world is intractable. true they don't tend to get on the lying bastards but instead they get on the well-meaning, there's a distinct absence of angry young men  from the pub and their inconvenient opinions. 

today horsemouth goes up to the forge to pick up the newspapers and a few loaves of bread. 

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