Sunday 6 October 2024

yesterday a walk back from the forge filling station

this is not an entirely written in the morning blogspot - horsemouth still has some material from yesterday he is unwilling to chuck away just yet. 

horsemouth has been watching zodiac (1976) - a whodunnit solved with astrology, character actors galore type series. detective and astrologer solve crimes by means of personality profiling. 

yesterday a walk back from the forge filling station 

horsemouth keeps calling it a garage and people keep correcting him. it was a sunnyish day so it was a beautiful walk (something just north of four miles all told).  on the bus on the way up a gaggle of women intent on a day out in hereford. 

in the evening a zoom beer with howard - howard was in the pub diarising when horsemouth first messaged him.  

howard was in the big empty pub on the corner rather than the pub with pizza.  

he is reading love's work by gillian rose (in the penguin modern classics edition), horsemouth used to have it in the blue vintage publishing hardback edition.

horsemouth should really get on with plotting his insulation of the world (or at least the houses of the communal endeavour). the form itself does not go live until 30th october but there is a pdf guide to it online. horsemouth supposes there is the work that can be agreed upon and done that does not affect the bid and then there is the work the government will part pay (should the bid be successful)  for to be conducted over the next 3 years or so. 

horsemouth could do with understanding the finances of the communal endeavour better over the next few years - there's the money to match fund what the government are offering already but will that be enough (of itself) to get all the works necessary done?  

outside it is rainy and rubbish (in fact it's not particularly good all week). should it stop raining at any point horsemouth will attempt to get out for a walk. he has a plan to be back up in town towards the 20th. 

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