Monday, 23 December 2024

a day that is not christmas eve (a day with no kilvert)

23rd december 1870 - a day with no kilvert (or at least no diary entry). 

horsemouth has consulted thoreau's a writer's journal also, but also in vain. 

there are a number of mixes by howard in previous years so horsemouth has chosen one from this day 7 years ago. his review of the year with (so far) lots of sweet acoustic guitar tunes. ok here we go, six minutes in and it's gone all k-pop. 

(and now it's gone all african) (ah some tokimonsta).

this day is the last day on which it won't be too late to go shopping. 

starting from here what could horsemouth plan to do in the new year

he could plan to play more gigs and he could plan to release another CD. 

what would be on the CD?

well the demo versions of no name resonate, murder ballad, jai guru and high-rise strutters ball (all currently residing on soundcloud). of course if he get in somewhere to play them again or record on top of them they could be made better. 

horsemouth also has versions of gnossienne no.1 and gentleman john sitting around on CD from previous (pre-musicians) solo outings. if he thinks about it there are probably a few unreleased musicians of bremen tracks somewhere. 


at this point (monday morning) horsemouth has today's and tomorrow's blog already written (mostly) and he wrote them yesterday (does that make sense). 

he will rewrite them slightly (as he is doing now) as he goes along. he watched some of the parajanov. the first half of which concerns books and seems to have 'inspired' ptere greenaway's prospero's books.  horsemouth has been up, he has unleashed the chickens (one egg), he has his coffee (this may need refueling). 

ok sounds like the business of the day is starting. horsemouth thinks a last bit of shopping. the buses suspend christmas day and boxing day. the milk delivery timetable goes strange.  he's not sure what day his brother and family are coming up. 

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