'I saw that even the ox could be weary with toil.' from thoreau's journal, on this day in 1851.
'to be fully aware of the unique worth of the journal we must read it slowly, over a period of time, and read consecutively... to learn from thoreau as a writer, to hear his prophecy - neither identical with nor in conflict with his art - we must be in his company as often as he permits...' - laurence stapleton's introduction to h.d. thoreau: a writer's journal.
a measure of the problems faced by horsemouth in his eventual moving
photo by howard grange. reading left to right and top to bottom.
the countryfile calendar
(and beneath that) the art books collection
(picasso, hokusai, etc.)
the randoms shelves (folding) in bubble wrap the thumb piano, in red case a melodica.
guitars - laramie hummingbird copy, hohner 6 string, behind them the paesold classical guitar in its case and the bass guitar in a cello case. behind the hummingbird the zither.
in the recess a mirror. near the floor a raised shelf.
main book collection (russians, poles, middle europeans etc.) some SF (philip k. dick), musicians of bremen CDs. in the farthest corner, at the top, the omnichord.
bottom right on the top of the oak clothes chest - CD player / CDs (bottom row mostly jazz mostly impulse!)- visible roots of led zeppelin. miles in the sky. behind the led zeppelin triple photographic frame with two alice coltrane pictures in it.
and now we plan - is 2025 a 53 week year?
horsemouth is just trying to work it out now - the finance worker at the communal endeavour has got it in as a 53 week year. as horsemouth's flatmate ian says it starts with WTF (wednesday, thursday, friday) so you could have M30/12/24 and Tu 31/12/24 and it ends with a MTuW so you would only need an additional 2 days to have an additional 7 days and thus a 53 week year (for accounting purposes). so Jan1/26 Th, Jan 2/26 F.
for the communal endeavour a 53 week year is an additional week of rental income with just the same 12 months of expenses (where those expenses are paid monthly), so for horsemouth wearing his treasurer's hat it's good news (broadly). for horsemouth wearing his tenant's hat er. it's an extra week's money but it's also an extra week's accommodation so it all equals out.
horsemouth's brother (and his family) are due to arrive in the evening.
'at this point (monday morning) horsemouth has today's and tomorrow's blog already written...'
horsemouth repeats this (because he has been getting ahead of himself of late).
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