Monday, 24 February 2025

once written down (acceptance and surrender)

'sometimes I think that I will never leave rua dos douradores. 

once written down, 

that seems to me like an eternity'  

- fernando pessoa, the book of disquiet, 1 [90] no date given. 

horsemouth is out in the wilds waiting for it to rain (the skies are darkening). he writes this on a sunday but by the time you read it it will be monday. 

it's later. now it is raining properly. 

he imagines the pre-cogs and anti-precogs of runciter limited (from PKD's ubik) meeting in the rua dos douradores in lisbon, going to the a brasileira cafe for discussions with the writers and publishers of orfeu,  he imagines them taking the trams and the funicular railways and the elevador do carmo

more branches have come down from the fallen over silver birch bordering the top field. currently it is held up by another tree but horsemouth expects it to come down some windy day. whether it smashes the fence or not is pure luck. it's rainy at the moment but not particularly windy. 

of course as climate change progresses it all becomes warmer and wetter and windier and rainier.

'in 2015, a vigorous response to climate change seemed possible... but exploration and exploitation of oil and gas reserves have continued unabated... brett christophers describes the global shift from active policymaking to acceptance and surrender.'

no-one has told the UK bureaucrats who are still working on the carbon budget. (adding an extra-runway at heathrow won't have helped. the slowing down of sales of electric cars won't have helped.) 

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