Sunday, 23 February 2025

yesterday (which is today through the technology of writing)

nothing on fahey week today 
(except leo kottke's wise words). 

last night horsemouth watched two clickbait youtube vids on the five philip k. dick books to read.

you can probably guess the first three (they are the same in both):

do androids dream of electric sheep, the man in the high castle, and er. ubik.

horsemouth has started reading ubik after he bought a new copy. his previous copy vanished (as they tend to do). 

he finds chapters one and two (runciter associates - a prudence organisation of anti-telepath specialists) like the modern day computer security people and the moratoriums where dead people are available for consultations like similar scenes in john carpenter's dark star. chapter 3 joe chip assailed by the intelligent devices in his flat for the non-payment of bills a perfect comedy on where the internet of things and where service charges are taking us. 

yesterday (which is today through the technology of writing) a visit to the village to pick up a tv guide - probably in the form of a physical copy of the hereford times. there is much enthusiasm on substack for getting away from platforms and producing physical things (as if this were the entire solution to the problem of alienation) but hey at least it is an attempt. 

the sun is beginning to shine. the heating has done its work. you see he's sitting here next to an open window. remind horsemouth to put some more peanuts in the bird feeder (he has done it). he has made some attempt at potting out some nasturtiums (if that's what they are). it's old seed he'll see if any come up. he has tons of runner bean beans to plant of various ages (last year he did well with the runner beans). 

he's going to listen to the radio news. probably get soup when he's mum wants to eat and then wander up the hill to deliver some eggs. 

today as it will be sunrise 07:11 sunset17:40 but rainy all day. by the time you read this the weather will be rubbish. but it is otherwise decent monday/ tuesday/ wednesday. 

horsemouth is going out to adjust the timer in the hen shed that turns on the lights - probably the light doesn't need to come on until 6pm. he's watching now to see when it goes out (7pm - we are only at slightly over 10 hours of daylight). 

ok but he'd missed a slider so a little while later the light came on again (much to the chagrin of the chickens) and horsemouth just had to go out and fix it. 

horsemouth was up at 7.30 after a while he realised it was not tuesday but sunday. he's not sure how this makes him feel. 

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